Trace Your Funds
Digital asset tracking is a business requiring finesse, specific know-how, worldwide liaising capabilities, and patience. Click below and see more about the tracking process
Digital asset tracking is a business requiring finesse, specific know-how, worldwide liaising capabilities, and patience. Click below and see more about the tracking process
A chargeback is essentially the reversal of a charge made to your credit or debit card. Credit and debit card transactions are highly controlled and regulated in order to protect both consumers and merchants. Visa and MasterCard for example, have a set of terms and conditions that govern the use of their cards.
To help you identify potential scams, we have compiled a list of red flags and scam warning signs :
To avoid falling victim to similar scams, here are some steps you can take:
If you are victim of a scam, contact your bank as soon as possible and try to do a chargeback process with them. Be aware of fake recovery firms and scams.
Please stay vigilant and protect yourself and your investments. Internet is filled with risks and scams.
Stay safe.